Staying positive: Life lessons in 2020

My partner and I packed up our life in Australia and shifted countries. We arrived in New Zealand right before Coronavirus brought everything to screeching halt. But the fact that we started a new life just as a global pandemic hit has meant our lives have been shaped as a direct result of Covid-19. 

Life During Lockdown

Like many countries, New Zealand was placed into lockdown. It was initially scheduled for four weeks but ended up lasting for six. I thought it was going to be a waking nightmare, but I was surprised to find that in some ways I actually enjoyed it.

During lockdown life existed indoors, while outside things had come to a stand stall. There were no cars on the roads, no ‘buzz’ of activity except for the birdlife which had taken over the city. Things became so quiet that I could actually hear myself think.

I kept busy in my free time. I joined a virtual fitness challenge with a friend, practised yoga every day, and found walking tracks I would not have found otherwise. I baked and tried out new recipes, kept in touch with family and friends online, and started weekly drawing lessons with my artist father over skype. And I also read books, spent time writing and worked on my business.

As someone who craves external stimulation, always needing to be out doing ‘something’, I thought lockdown was going to be worse than it was. I was forced to become more inwardly focused and I was surprised by the result. Instead of daydreaming of the outside world I felt content because I knew everyone was in the same boat. That nagging feeling that I was missing out on something (also known as “FOMO”) was all but gone.


During lockdown, I had been given the permission to focus on myself and the things that fulfil me. Despite being a creative person, I always found excuses to not pursue what I was passionate about. That all changed in 2020. Having the opportunity to put energy into the activities that nurture me (and not just because they could earn money), has made me happier. 

I have also learnt to be grateful for what I have. I’m aware that not everyone had the same experience as me in 2020. Those with children had other challenges, some of my friends went through heartbreaking loss, while others lost their jobs. It has been a tough year for many. That is why I humbly appreciate my experience. I’m grateful for all those things I would have once taken for granted, such as having a job, a roof over my head, and for the people in my life.

Lessons learnt

2020 has taught me to always look for the silver lining by focusing on the positive in every situation. The year ahead is a mystery, but I’ve entered it with a fresh perspective and a plan. I hope we can all move forward with a new found resilience for whatever comes our way.